C3SC’s Safer, Cohesive and More Equal Communities Network : 11th August
Cardiff Third Sector Council will launch their Safer, Cohesive and More Equal Communities Network on 11th August.
The C3SC Safer, Cohesive and More Equal Communities Network is committed to creating stronger, more resilient and safer communities by ensuring people:
A cohesive society is one in which:
This Network recognises that strong and resilient communities are happier and healthier communities.
People also benefit in terms of their health and wellbeing, from their connections with people around them and when people look out for each other.
The plan is that this Network will act like a glue, that bonds society together and helps create strong and resilient communities.
The meeting will take place on Teams and an invitation link will be sent out prior to the event.
For any further enquiries contact C3SC on 07973 725335 or enquiries@c3sc.org.uk.
We look forward to seeing you!