As a part of the Promo Cymru Digital Service Design course, C3SC is undertaking user research with our member organisations.
C3SC has been selected by PromoCymru to participate in a 6-month Digital Service Design course, providing an opportunity for the team at C3SC to develop the Cardiff Community Platform into a digital tool that works for our members.
Following a period of consultation with members, C3SC developed a strategy to help create a strong, independent, voluntary sector. We are now progressing to a stage of investigation on how this strategy can be turned into action and embedded into how we as a CVC work with you as charities and third sector groups in Cardiff to realise this vision.
We are pleased to invite member organisations to take part in a one-hour workshop that will investigate how you access information and support from C3SC, connect with peers, and develop partnerships. Participants will be asked to complete a user journey, outlining their path to funding, volunteers, networking and guidance.
The workshop will be followed by a free lunch for participants, including vegetarian and halal options.
For any further enquiry contact C3SC on 02920 485722 / 07973 725690 or