Catherine Moulogo
Cath was co-opted onto the C3SC Board in April 2021.
I have worked for over 15 years in the third sector in both Wales, and the South Pacific. I’ve previously worked in Tuvalu for IWRM Pacific, at Keep Wales Tidy, and for Hub Cymru Africa.
Currently, the Co-Executive Director responsible for Governance, Finance, and Strategy for global solidarity charity, Dolen Cymru Lesotho. I am committed to supporting effective partnership working between Wales and Lesotho and supporting Basotho-led grassroots organisations. I value volunteering and was formally secretary of Climate Action Caerphilly Gweithredu Hinsawdd planting a community Tiny Forest in Caerphilly. I am also an active member of the Wales Africa Community and chair the Hub Cymru Africa Fundraising Community of Practice as well as support work challenging racism in the wider “aid” sector.